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Life is like a novel...


And I am the author and main character. 

It's a new year and my word of the year is novel. There are some obvious reasons an ELA teacher would select that word for my word of the year. I will be reading books, but that's not my new goal. What I need to do is write books. Having my word of the year be novel, I want to motivate myself to do more than just write in my journal and blog. Writing has a vulnerability that goes with it. As an author, you are sharing thoughts, dreams, worries, and wishes. I don't always feel confident enough that what I have to say is worth writing, and moreover, worth anyone reading. Not long ago, Savannah and Jandro spent a few hours reading aloud my journals from college. Savannah loved every bit of what she read. But was it because of my writing style and storytelling, or because she knew and already loved the main characters. I can't tell you how many times I've finished a book and said, "I could have written that!" I'd love any ideas and support for this novel of mine. Send me ideas! 

My other reason for the word novel is to push myself out of my comfort zone and try new things. I am a creature of habit and routine. I like to know what's happening and when. Having a novel approach to life will help create a sense of fun and joy. I made myself a list of 24 in 24! I was sure to include many novel ideas on this list. I printed my list from Gretchen Rubin's podcast resources. I highly recommend  The Happier Podcast, as well as any book by Gretchen. 

I love all the jokes about how long the month of January feels. I made this list back at the beginning of the month and that does seem like a long time ago! 

2024 is off to the usual much for novelty! Actually, we have started going to the dog parks and that's something new for us. We even met friends there to let our pups play. There's been a lot of rain so we haven't been in a week or so. 

We went last weekend in Austin with Rio.  Lorelei says dog parks are the best dose of serotin! They make her happy. 

I had a nice night out with Lori at the beginning of the month. We went to a movie premiere! It was so cool to see one of the previous Carson students create something so amazing. It was such a great experience. We even got to dress up for the red carpet. 

We have been hitting the gym hard.  No pain, no gain right!

We tried a new class with Nana in her neighborhood. It was a barre pilates class. That was quite the workout!

Lorelei had a district dive meet, or should I say, didn't have it. It was a rough time for her. The weather had been making it hard to even get in the water. Lorelei didn't feel ready for the meet. She had asked her coach earlier in the week if she could skip the meet. He pushed her to give it a try anyway. She panicked and cried the whole drive there, actually before we even left home. She attempted to warm up but had the biggest panic attack I have seen from her. After some calming down and discussion, she was brave enough to tell her coach she just couldn't do it. I did encourage her to try and just have fun, but she had some valid points about why she didn't need to compete. I had to listen to her. Of course, I didn't want her to quit, but then I realized sitting out of one meet did not make her a quitter. Funny enough, a few days ago, when the team was getting details together about heading to regionals, she had a bit of regret about not competing. We have a plan and idea to get her back on track with diving and hopefully build her confidence back up for Spring Syncho season and Senior year. 

The best part of January is my birthday! I wanted to head to Austin for a weekend of fun with the kids. Nana and Bailey even joined us on Saturday. 

We love hanging out at Savannah's little house in the heart of Austin's North Campus/Hyde Park area. 

Saturday we headed out to the Capitol. 

The best gift ever was a day with all four kids!

We had a yummy late lunch at Scholz Biergarten.

Bailey and Nana headed back home after lunch. 

Sunday we headed to Zilker Park and First Light Bookstore. 

My actual birthday was pretty fabulous too, especially for a school day. 

John started my day with great gifts...and the day just continued with my favorite people and students! 

Coffee from Jen...

My workout buddy just won't let up!

John made wings for the whole crew for my birthday dinner. 

Savannah joined us via FaceTime. 

It's the birthday that keeps giving too. Seems like every day for the last week, someone different slips me a late gift or birthday wish. 

Savannah and Lorelei got me the cutest book-themed blanket. Perfect for snuggling up with a good book. 

I loved all the book-themed gifts. Thanks, Cathy for the sweet gifts and yummy cake! 

If I haven't mentioned how much I love my school people...fellow teachers, but really friends, let me introduce this ELA soul mate of mine, Melina! We teach and think so much alike we accidentally dress alike too!

Working with her makes teaching reading and writing just a little sweeter. 

My goal for February is to really settle into writing and to do a few novel things. 

I'm going to keep creating a life worth writing about!


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