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Back-to-school 2024


I've been avoiding writing again. If I write about back-to-school, I must admit how hard things have been.  My heart has been broken by the harsh reality that my children are grown up. Being a teacher during back-to-school is easy for me. I'm a pro at that. My ELA buddy teacher even told me I could do it in my sleep. But facing the challenges of parenting young adults making major life transitions pulls at my heartstrings. 

This school year, I only have two active students right now, and Bailey is in the works for a return to Texas Tech in the Spring semester. Lorelei started back first. She's a Senior! She had her first college visit at the beginning of August and most likely her last! She loved Texas State.  

This was followed by Senior pictures. 

We grabbed some sushi from our favorite restaurant after. 

Then it was Senior Sunrise and the first day of school for her. 

My first days back were great. I always enjoy reuniting with my team and Wernli peeps!

What a perfect job to get to work with all your besties!

During the first week of school, I had to take Friday off to move Jonas into the dorms. It was a successful move-in. He said all his goodbyes and we were off. Jonas and I were quick and he kept his room simple. 

His sisters came up in the afternoon to see the place and hang out. 

He was gracious enough to send me a first day of school photo.

Bailey and Lorelei came by school during the second week to help me start the work on our Literacy Lounge. This is what I'm doing with the grant money I won last year. 

Their favorite form of payment for help is always food out! 

Phase one is complete thanks to my kids and some Watch Dog Dads who helped finish building furniture. 

Jonas came home Labor Day weekend and we filled the weekend with a combination of rest, relaxation, and outings. 

We watched Brieley's water polo game. 

Grabbed some Starbies. 

Watched some football. 
 Got a haircut.
Went to the park.

Grabbed a burger.
Went for a hike. 

And brunch. 

Lorelei couldn't let Labor Day weekend go by without fulfilling the song by Tim McGraw.

It was Labor Day weekend and she's 17, so she bought a Coke and some gasoline! 
Funny girl!

My Longhorns hanging out.

And the best part...the two hours all four kids were home at the same time. 

Slowly my heart will adjust to this new normal around here. As long as these four always know how much I love and adore them. 


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