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Less is more...

  • less stress
  • less work
  • less talking
  • less people pleasing
  • less saying yes
  • less social media
  • less noise
  • less chaos
  • less guilt
  • And most importantly...less explaining myself

And unfortunately, it seems I have made less time for writing and blogging, which makes me feel like I need to explain myself! 😂

This year my word of the year is "less". I've written this blog for 13 years now. Social media was just getting started. I started the blog, not to overly share my life, but as a way to document it like a baby book or photo album would. Now everyone shares their life story (and then some) on social media. I've told myself I would be doing "less" of that this year. I love sharing stories about my kids, my family, and my adventures in life, but I want to do more here, and less on social media. 

But as I was focusing on the less in life, I stepped away from here for a bit longer than planned. It is my reflective space, where I can gather my thoughts and share them mostly with myself. Bonus if any of you readers out there get inspired in any way by my words or life. 

There have been birthdays, school days, school events, and hospital visits, and Spring break has come and gone. 

My 50th birthday.

My team decorated my room.

My students brought me gifts. 

My lunch buddies helped me celebrate. Jen made the yummies chocolate cake for me...from scratch!

Jonas came with me to get my free Starbies. 

The cold front and ice storm were coming in and I just wanted potato soup for dinner. 

Savannah checked in via Facetime!

Happy 50th to me! Too bad I don't feel a day over 25. 

My teammates and teacher friends helped me celebrate too. 

It was definitely low key and that was just the way I wanted it.  

School has been quite enjoyable this year. I know that teaching is challenging, but I have to say even with 76 stinkers, I mean 5th graders and their attitudes, I still love it. My team is great, my leadership is phenomenal and the kids make me laugh. My biggest pleasure comes from sharing my love of reading with them and it's really paying off this year. I'm converting them!! I went to an amazing professional development from an author I love. She validated all the things I push for in my classroom. 5th grade is a make-it-or-break-it year for moving students from having to read, to reading for pleasure. It's my last chance to really show them the true love of reading. I was totally fangirling at the professional development. 

There have been so many school events so far this year...we have been busy!

Academic night.

Two field trips in one day! A daytime one and a nighttime one!

One of my recent favorites was celebrating my book bestie and our librarian, Elida for Educator of the Year.

I managed to squeeze in a Happy Hour date with Bailey among all these school events. 

Lorelei has had quite a challenging few months filled with doctors, tests, and hospitals, including another surgery. Some tests were for her revision surgery for her spinal fusion and a few were for a new issue. I'm not quite ready to share about that until we have more information. But her revision surgery went amazing. It was a rough few weeks of worry for her, not trusting that things would actually turn out better. But they did! She is pain-free in her neck now with more mobility. 

I always snap photos of her medical journey and she is so gracious to always have a smile on her face and a positive attitude. 

Pre-op appointment. Her smile dwindled a bit after she found out she couldn't put off the surgery. She was hoping to wait a while, but he insisted now was the time. 

Saturdays at the radiology center kind of became our thing. 

Looking into a new issue with an ultrasound. 

She also needed an updated sleep study which happened to fall right before her surgery. She struggles so much with sleep. He did a daytime study too. Looks like narcolepsy type two is being added to her current sleep disorders list. 

I cannot sing the praises enough of The Children's Hospital of San Antonio. This was her 4th surgery there. Everything about that place is amazing. We actually look forward to going there. 

She was still super tired from the sleep study. 

Here's where the titanium pin was pushing through her neck. Hence, the revision surgery. 

Surgery number six!

The culprit!

She loves the food here and couldn't wait to eat!

Funny enough she got the same room as her full spinal fusion and it has the best view!

Up and moving quickly this time. 

She only stayed overnight and was ready to head home!

She, unfortunately, reacted to the dressing this time. 

And she still needed lots of sleep to recover. We timed it perfectly, right before spring break. She only missed 10 days of school. Much easier to bounce back from. 

Spring break came and went. We had fun around town. 

We went to a gardening show with Nana and to the Japanese Tea Garden. 

There was lots of puppy love and a long visit with Savannah. 

Starbucks or as we call it, Starbies!

Library study date!

More coffee with the girls.

Spring is in full bloom and we are beginning to enjoy more outdoor time. Plus some time with friends. 

These two have been besties since 3rd grade!

Jonas and his besties Andrew heading to Comm Arts Banquet night looking like a bunch of clowns. Literally...this was their way of being different and making a statement. Let's just say they weren't fans of the banquet theme, Greek Mythology. 

I'm proud to say although Jonas looks like a clown, he's currently holding the Salutatorian spot at Comm Arts/Taft HS, #2 out of 600 kids! 

Then there's this silly girl, Savannah the scientist, as I call her. She is doing amazing things at UT. She found out she will graduate in December of this year! She won't be able to walk the stage till May, since they don't have a mid-year ceremony. She's planning to start a Ph.D. program in the Fall of 2024. She is in her element. I can't wait to see what her future holds.

So much for the "Less is More"...maybe in my life right now, but definitely not in this blog post!


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