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Creative juices...drained.

I'm a very routined kind of gal. I've been called a linear thinker and "particular", as I do like things a certain way, but I'm not totally inflexible. I can absolutely go with the flow when needed. I'm a creature of habit and have many routines, from the moment I wake up till I go to bed. I like structure and predictability. I love learning new things and am always open to trying them, whether for work and teaching, or personal growth. I'm naturally curious and want to know about all kinds of things. I am creative. I love making things, all kinds of things, and expressing my creative side in a variety of ways.  I start each day with energy, to-do lists, and ideas. On my drive to work, I listen to podcasts and my mind goes to all kinds of creative places. So what's the problem right now? When I finally have time to focus on the creative things in life, my energy and juices are DRAINED! My routine occupies my whole day, leaving little time for creativity, and lately if I have the time, I don't have the energy. Even on a Saturday like today, I feel a real need to recoup from the week and don't really feel like doing much more than sitting on the couch and catching up on the shows I missed watching this week. I should have blogged last week about the short and sweet month of February, but literally didn't have a solid theme, title, or idea for the writing. It's a silly thing to get caught up on, but I feel like the title and theme are what hold my writing together. And...I so badly want to write something more than just this blog: a book, magazine article, anything in the like. But my creative juices just can't seem to latch onto a big idea. I've been living with 10 years of writer's block! I just keep putting it off, writing something bigger and better. I'd love to freelance, but they expect you to already have article ideas. I've joined lists for writers where they send you weekly prompts for writing and I am determined to make that happen this year. I will enter something into one of those contest! In the meantime, I'll just continue to share my thoughts and reflections here. 

February is always full of fun and love, not just because of Valentine's day. Having just celebrated my own birthday I love using my special new gifts. 

A handmade ceramic cup from my mom that she found at The Pearl. 

A bath bomb from Lorelei. 

A new purse from a gift card and myself! 

We had another few bad weather days this month. A small ice storm got us an extra two days off from school. 

A great excuse to cuddle up by the fireplace. 

We celebrated three birthdays, my dad's, my mom's, and Jandro's. We had wings and a yummy cake made by Lorelei. 

Lorelei had a full 5 days of being a mom to her robotic baby Rory for her child development class. That was more work than a real baby! We all helped out when we could. 

Mom's need their Starbucks!

We had a week of one doctor's appointment after another.
Jonas had his last visit to the orthodontist. We love Dr. Perryman and will miss him!

Lorelei had her 3 month follow-up from her surgery. She's doing well and all her pins and screws are in place and strong. She may still need another surgery this summer if the pin in her neck continues to cause her pain and discomfort. 

I finally took care of myself. I've had a spot on my forehead for a little over a year. In November I had it biopsied and found out it was a basal cell carcinoma. I had a Mohs procedure done to safely and quickly remove all of it. It was painless during the procedure.

I had a bit of pain the day after and spent most of the day on the couch. 

I was quite surprised by the swelling that occurred over the next few days. The doctor warned me it might happen. 

Savannah has been home quite a bit lately and we are okay with that. And if she isn't home for the weekend, we have almost daily check-ins on FaceTime. 

We still love our coffee trips, Starbucks, Dunkin, and Bakery Lorraine were great choices this month.

Savannah took Lorelei to her first concert, Bad Suns with her roommate and friend Emily and Jandro! They took good care of our "little one". She said now she smiles every time she hears their songs with a great memory of the night. 

I've had a lot of wonderful moments recently amidst a lot of stress and chaos in 5th grade with my team. It has been one heck of a year. But making it through each day with these fabulous ladies makes every minute worth it. We laugh and I swear nearly cry, through our many experiences together. I love you all! 

Lunch out on Staff development day was a special treat!

Twin day...

Book character day...(we missed you Jen!)

Spring break is just around the corner. We are ready for it.

Dear readers, please let me know if you have any ideas or questions you'd like me to write about! I would love the input!

Until next time, I hope your creative juices keep flowing. 


  1. No ideas or questions...just keep blogging. Reading how you and the family are doing brightens my day. Hi to John and the fam for me!

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