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Things are going okay...

They really are, things are going okay. February flew by in a flurry...and I mean literally. Spring break crept up on us faster than ever. Somedays it feels as if we are just going through the motions of everyday life. It's been quite ordinary around here. But sticking with my word of the year, beauty, I have had to remind myself there is beauty, even in the ordinary day to day. 


We hit the courts a few times this month. This random Monday night just the boys wanted to play. It's a rarity to get to spend time alone with these two. I loved it!

Valentine's day always turns out to be a nice day at school for me (although it was actually Feb, 12th that we observed it). It's so sweet how my students like to share their love and make us feel special as teachers. 

My own kids are never to old to enjoy traditions like pink pancakes on Valentine's day. 

The biggest treat this Valentine's day was the snow storm! Around 10:00 that night the snow started and just kept on coming!

By the morning...I couldn't believe my eyes!

Delilah the dog LOVED the snow!

The week evolved into crazy journey. Many homes and families were without electricity. We were lucky to keep our electricity going the whole week, but we did lose water by Tuesday. Luckily our outside hose still worked! We got creative for sure. 

It was a super lazy week...lots of sleep and snuggles.

Alejandro, Savannah's boyfriend stayed with us since he had no electricity at his house. We helped him start off his birthday. 

It also snowed all day Thursday...We had an entire snow week off from school. Something I would have never guess would have happened here in Texas. 

And it was gone by Friday...

We celebrated my parents birthday with a get together, after my dad's birthday dinner was cancelled due to the snow storm. We celebrated them both on my mom's actual birthday, February 22. 

We had a girls night out to celebrate Nana on her own.

~~ March

I had a return to the theater this month. I helped with a skit for our school's dedication, which included me starring as myself in the skit! It was fun, but surprisingly hard work filming. 

An early Spring break was welcomed after the fast and "flurrious" pace of February. It's been a mellow week, which I have mixed feelings about. I wish I could relax and realize it doesn't have to be packed with activities and outings to be a great break. 

Food, friends and the outdoors are activities that always put smiles on our faces. 

Jonas and I had a solo outing to Eisenhower Park, which I loved. It's really special to get to spend one on one time with each kid. This week I managed an outing of some kind, with each of the kids by themselves.  

Nana likes to join in on our shenanigans. It was great to get to have all four kids together for the last day of our Spring Break.

Poor Savannah didn't have Spring break this week. Hers is next week. But she made the most of it by studying while we went for a walk. 

Daylight Savings begins tonight and Spring is just around the corner. Bailey is moving out this month and Savannah will be moving in August to Austin. Big changes are coming and I am savoring every moment I can. 

Happy early Spring from the Boyen Bunch!


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