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May minus the mayhem...

...sort of. Turns out, even still being under quarantine orders, it was a full month! Some things about May won't ever change, like birthdays and Mother's day. The usual school events and concerts may not have happened, but Covid-19 versions of some events still took place. 

May memorable moments...I took a lot of pictures this month!

We started the month by adding another teenager to the Boyen Bunch! Lorelei turned 13! She's a "Quaranteen". We had a small BBQ on Saturday evening, May 2 with her favorite dinner. 

Sunday morning, May 3rd she woke up to the usual morning tradition of a birthday setup!

Including a doorstep surprise drop off!

Big birthday hugs from her daddy!

Thankfully, some restrictions were lifted on the Friday before her birthday and she was able to have brunch at her favorite crepe place, Sweet Paris. This became our usual Sunday morning crew, since John, Bailey and Savannah all work on Sundays. 

A painting of Mrs. Dabney from Jonas. 

Some friends surprised her with a birthday parade!

Her day concluded with a Pei Wei pick up and an ice cream sundae bar for dessert. She promises to always be my little girl...figuratively, and maybe literally!

John celebrated turning 50 just 3 days later...and somehow avoided getting a picture taken. But we captured some moments. 

Lorelei made him a delicious omelette before he headed off to work. 

Dinner was his favorite of corn beef and cabbage, with pound cake and berries for dessert. 

He arrived home from work to quite a birthday setup with all his favorites and a new tennis racket!

Mother's day was our next celebration that week! And final one. Lorelei made me a delicious breakfast. Then we headed out for a Sunday walk in the park and picnic with my mom and sister. It was a perfect day!

This would have been a big month for Savannah with all the Senior activities, but Covid-19 has change things up a bit. We still managed to find ways to celebrate our Senior. 

Savannah was "adopted" by a lovely freshman family at O'Connor who was a UT Alumni. She spoiled her with a wonderful gift basket. 

They had a drive through at school to pick up her cap and gown, with a yard sign. This is when we both burst into tears! They will be having a small ceremony the week of June 15 to celebrate the class of 2020!!

"Prom" came twice...both backyard proms. Savannah and Alec decided to dress down for one, and dressed up for the other, with a professional photographer. 

Prom number one...casual style.

Prom number two was definitely more of a family affair. Lorelei did her makeup.

Jonas helped her to the car.

The princess drove away in her own chariot!

Picking up her prince charming...Alec. Modern times folks! 

We went to a popular location nearby, the Hotel Eilan for photos with a professional photographer that her friend got. 

The whole crew...

This month we updated our back patio and have been spending a lot of time outside. It makes staying home so much more pleasant.

There are just four more days of school to go. The kids are mostly finished already, but I have a bit more work, including delivering 89 goodie bags to our 5th graders for their "Promotion". 

I'm so ready for a nice summer break...Distance Learning is not for the faint of heart! I have to finish up packing my room this week for a big move, as this is my final year at Carson. I'm excited for my new adventure in opening Northside's latest and greatest new elementary school, Wernli Elementary. Several Carson folks will be joining me there too. We are all so excited for what the future holds. But for now, I'm mostly excited for a much needed summer break.


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