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Flow interrupted...

Spring break started much like any big plans for the Boyen Bunch. The kids each had a request of some simple things to do, which was a nice relief. I know lots of families love to travel, but my bunch are homebodies and not huge fans. 

Savannah and I started the week with coffee at Summer Moon, on a rainy Monday morning. 

Jonas has been wanting to pick up tennis. Lucky for him, my skills haven't totally disappeared. I played tennis starting around 5th grade, all the way through high school. I surprised myself how I was still able to play relatively well! The kids are trying their best, but it's coming along slowly. We went several times over the week. 

I had a lovely brunch date with a young friend and former student teacher, fondly known as Miss G. We met at First Watch. It was my only solo activity all of Spring break. It was good thing we did too, because she had to leave sooner than planned for her big move to Hawaii. I'm just bummed we forgot to take a picture.

Lorelei requested what we fondly referred to as the "spinning" park (the Helotes City park). After a quick visit to the art store, Sprouts and picking up some McDonald's, we headed to the park. The weather was perfect. They look so big on the equipment now.

Thursday was the last "normalish" days of break. Word of the coronavirus had already began. Cases were beginning to pop up all over.  We were being careful, washing hands, sanitizing frequently when we went out. San Antonio hadn't had any local cases as of yet, although we had groups flown in for quarantine from a cruise ship and some of them had tested positive.

We headed out to the Pearl for a walk and a bite to eat. We ended up walking 2 miles along the Riverwalk. There were still people out, but cautiously, you could tell.

Friday we got official word from the district, that Northside would be extending Spring Break by a week, just in case. That's when things started to get a little more crazy. We went to run some errands and decided it might be a good idea to get some groceries before things got worse...which they did. 

Our second week of Spring break was very different from our first. Knowing that it was safest to stay home, we did our best. Like many, we have found a variety of ways to stay entertained.

Lorelei made cake pops on Saturday. Although a bit more challenging than she had planned, she committed to finishing!

Weather has been Spring like..warm and breezy, with rainy days in between. When we can, weather permitting. we were outside. 

Puzzle races...

More tennis time...the courts were empty this day.

Plenty of time to wash our cars...

I even spent the day in a junkyard with John. Now there's something I never thought I'd do!

There was more baking...


A quick trip to a very sad, empty classroom. We received an update that extended Spring Break was turning into Distance Learning. We were allowed to quickly return to our classrooms to get whatever we think we would need to teach from home.

Because there wasn't much else to do and because Savannah's car was having some trouble, we took Savannah to work all week. The drive thru of Bahama's Buck is still open and going strong.

Savannah rearranged her room so her desk was facing out. She wanted a new look for her distance learning.

 I decorated my new "classroom" for Spring and Easter.

Day one of Distance newest student.

Week one my teacher area looked like this...but my back couldn't take the bending over the table all the time. Cute, but not functional, especially for virtual meetings.

Over the weekend I had to rearrange the "classroom". This distance learning teacher needed a real desk.

We also had some more outdoor time over the weekend...

Skipbo is a ongoing thing around here now too. Any down time or even dinner time, means an opportunity for a game!

Week two is's different and stressful in a whole new way. But I'm happy to be teaching, not matter how. The kids are working and excited about their assignments...some are even thanking me! They were ready for this. They were using lots of technology in the classroom already.

My favorite part of my new classroom is the early mornings...when my Boyen Bunch is still quietly sleeping, before their school day begins. 

There are many things to worry and be sad about right now...but I try to find the silver linings. You know the old familiar post of mine, the good and the bad.

The good...the kids are all home and safe. The bad, they are missing their friends and teachers.
The good...lots of time with my Senior, Savannah. The bad, her missing out on all the wonderful Senior moments, like possibly prom and graduation.

As of now, we won't return to school till May 4th. I can still be optimistic that the school year may end in the classroom.

I wish I had words of wisdom or some great strategies...but I really think my word of the year "flow" is really the best idea. For now, we take it day by day and go with the flow. It's really all we can do.

Hoping and praying for healthy friends and family to remember to stay home and stay safe.


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