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Simply Summer Wrap-up

It's officially my last day of summer vacation, although I have already worked seven days since July 30th! Tomorrow is my first contract day back as a Team leader. Am I ready? I think so. I've spent a lot of time planning and thinking about the new school year and I am excited to put into practice these new ideas. I feel well rested and recharged. But I will certainly miss the extensive family and free time that summer provides.

I have no regrets about how this summer was spent. I could feel guilty for not actually traveling anywhere or doing some magical vacation, but it's just where we are in life. Bailey took summer classes and worked. Savannah worked and enjoyed lots of time with friends. Jonas and Lorelei maybe didn't get the exciting summer they had hoped for, but they sure did eat and sleep well! Lorelei gained 6 pounds this summer! Of course, John doesn't get a summer vacation like us anyways and had to work his normal schedule. But with me being off...I got to see him a lot more.

This summer was all about family, friends, food and fun. And I enjoyed every minute of it.

I haven't written nearly like I planned this summer or posted since June! July already seems like a lifetime ago.

Let's start with July 3rd...
Helotes fireworks! Sadly only my littlest firecracker joined me this year. Everyone else was working and Jonas said.."no thanks!" to joining us. But we kept the tradition of Sonic shakes and card games going.

Fourth of July was simple...we started with girl time in Old Town Helotes.


These two still love to bake...4th of July cupcakes!

There were plenty of pool visits this summer.

We spent lots of time and money at the dentist and orthodontist this summer.

Savannah had her damaged front teeth repaired just in time for Senior pictures.


Jonas had teeth pulled and braces put on this summer. He is excited for pretty straight teeth, but not so into getting any pictures taken. I usually have to sneak them, like this one!

Being the summer before Senior year, Savannah had lots to do...including a campus visit to UT Austin and her Senior pictures for the yearbook.

She really loved UT and is hoping to go there Fall of 2020!

Still a bit mad at Father Time for being so cruel...but yes, this sweet girl of mine is a Senior! It doesn't get any easier, just because I have already been through this with Bailey.

Did I mention food? I wasn't kidding when I said Lorelei gained 6 pounds this summer. I may have gained a few myself. There was lots of eating going on!

Sweet Paris for crepes with friends.

Breakfast at First Watch with her best buddy...Daddy!

Jonas' delicious and beautiful summer breakfast, a crab omelette.

More burgers than any one family should consume! We LOVE burgers and fries!

I think the accomplishment I am most proud of this summer is the amount of reading I was able to do! I read 15 books this summer and am currently starting my 16th!

I have my glorious reading room to thank. Every morning I sat and drank my coffee and read, while everyone else still slept. At night, I could easily read for two or three more hours. Don't get me wrong...I did my fair share of binge watching series on Hulu and Netflix too, but reading was definitely my favorite part of this summer.

These two were usually around to keep me company while I read.

I read for school and pleasure.

My favorite reads of the summer...mostly historical fiction. But I just finished Educated and loved this powerful memoir. These are my summer favorites!

The kids have been reading all summer too. Jonas has been digging deep into Japanese manga and enjoying Death Note. Savannah found a crime series (sorry, I don't know the name, see if you can see the title from the book at the pool she was reading!) and Lorelei has really loved her required reading for Social Studies called Dark Water Rising, in addition to some fun books like Always, Abigail. We all love using the Libby app for digital books and audio books as well.

For the most part...the Boyen Bunch is ready for school to start. We are grateful for all the wonders that summer brings...especially the simple ones.


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