I'm a morning person. Not sure I always have been, but definitely in the past 5-10 years I have learned to love mornings. I love school mornings, weekend mornings but my absolute favorite...Sunday mornings. I have a routine for mornings that I won't bore you with, but of course, it involves quiet time, prayerful thoughts, feeding and letting out pets and, of course coffee, amongst other things.
One of the most magical mornings of the year is Christmas. This year it was different than years past. Much like the weekend or Sunday morning, I was the only one up for several hours. Sleeping in to me is around 8:00-8:30. I waited by the glow of the tree, surrounded by gifts, for John, the tween, teens and college boy to wake up. I sipped on peppermint coffee, watching a Christmas movie. It was 10:30 before everyone was up and at 'em!
The magical glow of a Sunday morning in December...just a few weeks before Christmas.
I didn't get many mornings of prep for Christmas, because our break started pretty late this year. Christmas Eve was the first Monday of our break. Lorelei and I, with some help from some mischievous cats got all the gifts wrapped.
Christmas Eve is Jonas' favorite night of the year and the poor guy had been up sick since 2:00 a.m. with a stomach bug. But he wanted to go to my parents' for the traditional Christmas Eve festivities.
Makenna joined us too!
Santa actually gave a good scare this year when he arrived...we were not expecting him.
Poor guy...but Santa had to bring his gift!

My quiet Christmas morning didn't last too long...
Savannah finally got a car...gifted from Bailey, with money for a car wash! Ha!
Christmas afternoon...round two with family!
Christmas is exhausting for us all.
One of the most magical mornings of the year is Christmas. This year it was different than years past. Much like the weekend or Sunday morning, I was the only one up for several hours. Sleeping in to me is around 8:00-8:30. I waited by the glow of the tree, surrounded by gifts, for John, the tween, teens and college boy to wake up. I sipped on peppermint coffee, watching a Christmas movie. It was 10:30 before everyone was up and at 'em!
The magical glow of a Sunday morning in December...just a few weeks before Christmas.
Makenna joined us too!
Santa actually gave a good scare this year when he arrived...we were not expecting him.
Poor guy...but Santa had to bring his gift!

Pretty girls...
My quiet Christmas morning didn't last too long...
Savannah finally got a car...gifted from Bailey, with money for a car wash! Ha!
Christmas afternoon...round two with family!
Christmas is exhausting for us all.
It looks perfect..well with the exception of Jonas being sick..poor kid.