I have to say, although complaints about teenagers and tweens can definitely be made (even by me!), my summer with a houseful of them, has been one of the most enjoyable summers so far.
The good:
- Kids this age sleep in LATE! What does this mean for me? Quiet mornings alone with John or even by myself with time to watch Headline News, drink my coffee, read, go to the gym, do countless chores around the house and all before they even wake up!
- They have tons of personality and they really feed off each other's humor and wit. There's lots of laughter in the house. Now not all the humor is exactly appropriate, but even as the mom, they know how to make me laugh!
- They figure out how to form real relationships with others. I think these two boys of mine (they hate when I call them "boys"), are finally at the age where they understand each other and get along great. Of course the timing is terrible, Bailey is leaving for college in one week and these two have just re-discovered each other.
- They are so much fun to just hang out with...talking, watching TV, enjoying time with their friends, shopping.
- They still like to give hugs and love. They even fight over who's going to sit by me on the couch! Feel the love!
- They are willing to go places and do things. And since they slept in so late, we don't have to hurry home for naps like when they were little! Although, believe me, all four of them could probably still nap if given the opportunity.
The bad:
- It is an emotional roller coaster with tweens and teens. They are for sure moody sometimes. They experience things completely, with gusto and all emotions. You don't always know what you are going to get.
- They are always hungry or ready to eat, even if they aren't hungry! Whew...my grocery bill is killing me.
- If they don't have a car or license yet, they require a lot of driving around! My UBERMOM license plate is no lie!
- They are expensive. I know you are thinking that diapers, wipes, formula, etc. are expensive too, but now they want/need cars, gas, car insurance, college tuition, yearbooks, orchestra fees, instruments, clothing, shoes. You get the picture.
- Their problems are way bigger. Bigger kids, bigger problems. Their heartbreak is your heartbreak.
I have had plenty of moments where I needed a break from them...don't get me wrong, they can drive you nuts! But for the most part, I have truly enjoyed all of my time with this Boyen Bunch of mine.
This is the last time we went swimming. It was the end of July! August comes around and we just don't seem to make it to the pool like we do in June and July!
We've been downtown several times this summer, to The Pearl and the Riverwalk.
Lunch at La Gloria's with Roslene! She enjoyed these tweens and teens so much, she visited us twice this summer!
Sometimes we do get a bit of cabin fever. One easy cure is a quick trip to Starbucks for a change of scenery and treats.
The biggest event of this summer is the college prep for Bailey. He and I had a chance for a trip, just the two of us to Lubbock, for his Texas Tech orientation. It was a wonderful time to connect. Orientation was an overload of information, but I feel confident that he's in a wonderful place. He made friends, stayed in the dorms, registered for his classes. You could just see the excitement on his face the whole time.
The orientation leaders cheered the new students into the auditorium for their night of fun on campus.
We finally made it to Six Flags with our free Read to Succeed passes. These two girls have their own season passes. They are such sweet girls. My sister and Brieley joined us too.
Bailey joined us in the afternoon at Six Flags, but I didn't get a picture. He rode some roller coasters with his friend and future roommate AJ!
Since Jonas didn't join us, I let him pick an activity of his own. Being an artist himself, he wanted to go to the San Antonio Museum Art. Museums are more my mom's speed too.
All four of them wanted to go to the McNay for their free Thursday afternoon, this past week. Their commentary on the art was so comical! It was a bittersweet afternoon, as I realized it's one of the last things all four of them will do together for awhile, since Bailey is heading to Tech.
Love is an understatement. The last good thing about tweens and teens...how long your heart has had to grow and love them. They make you so happy and proud, I swear a mother's heart might actually burst from the amount of love.
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