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So long January...

I know it's not just me that thinks January 2018 was the longest month ever. Honestly, it was the roughest start to a year, that I can ever remember. I had so many wonderful plans and ideas for 2018...I was ready to take it ALL on. Until January 7th, when the flu struck! It hit us hard and fast...

Lorelei was the first to fall, with 102 fever when she woke up, with me taking a close second, within a few hours. By Tuesday, Jonas joined the flu club, followed by John on Thursday, and after several days of denial, Savannah admitted it was the flu on Sunday. Lorelei and I missed 5 days of school, something that has never happened to me in my entire teaching career. John swears in all our years together, I've never been that sick. Lorelei and I definitely got it the worse (besides my mom, who we accidentally shared with!). Bailey managed to not get the flu, but we think that's because he was the only one who got the flu last year! He had to have built up some immunity because of it. I was the lucky one who picked up secondary infections, bronchitis and a sinus infection, followed by laryngitis. Although I still have a slight cough, and a croaky voice, I'm finally healthy!

Notice on my 2018 vision board, the "Stay Healthy" in the corner.  I'd been doing so well before the flu hit...working out three days a week, eating well, kicked the soda habit.  Time to start over!

Day 1 of the flu...she was not looking so bad.

Day 2...we could still smile.

It was downhill from there...Day 3-7 were the worst!  Body aches, fevers, and so, so tired!

Since Lorelei and I had taken over the couch, if Jonas wasn't in his room, he was here. Both him and Lorelei had fevers hit 104.7!  Mine never went over 101...and I still felt like dying!

We did have some wonderfully exciting things happen this month. Lorelei received diving classes for Christmas. January 21 was her first class.  She loved it and was a natural! They said she was very "coachable."

This week wrapped up January with my 45th birthday! Jonas asked me how it felt to be half way to my grave! Not too bad, now that I feel better. The family did a great job making me feel special and loved on my big day.

John fried up some chicken tenders and fries for dinner. Lorelei and Savannah made my looked a bit rough, but tasted yummy. It was simple, but just what I needed to end the month.

The Boyen Bunch is certainly ready for a fabulous February!  


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