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A new season...

It's October, fall has begun and each year, at this time, I reflect a bit on where we are as a family. I think it's because Bailey's birthday is in October (he's turning 18!!!!) and that's the day John and I went from a couple, to family. I look back at those times and think how much simpler it was to have babies and little ones, in some ways. When you are in the throws of raising babies and toddlers, you think nothing can be more difficult. The teen years arrive and you wish for the tantrums in the grocery store, over the tears of a broken hearted teen. Instead of deciding on which preschool or Kid's Day out program, we are deciding on which university will offer the best scholarship. And so the saying "Bigger kids, bigger problems." returns again and again to my head.

Each of these seasons in life brings about new joy and new worries. I wonder with amazement that my oldest child becomes an "adult", 18 years old in just over two weeks. He's grown into a young man before my eyes. Savannah is driving with a permit, has a boyfriend and is continuously drowning in her pre-AP and AP classes, constantly worrying about her perfect straight A's. Jonas is growing by leaps and bounds...5'6 already. Talk about changing before my eyes, he was just a little boy and now I look up to him. I am lucky there's always little girl, still tiny and sweet. But I realize, her time is fast approaching, where she too will be a teen before I know it.

John and I joined an Anytime Fitness in July...definitely a new experience for us. We finally take some time for each other and our health! We really enjoy the time together. I love their inspirational chalkboard messages like this one:

Another college reception for Bailey. Texas Tech impressed him enough to plan a campus visit in November.

The fall season means the return of Soup Sunday!! I love the simplicity of making a hearty, warm soup on Sunday nights. This is loaded potato soup, a family favorite.

Homecoming was early if you ask me...but these two cuties had a wonderful time.

This little one is still my baby, but she sure has been working hard in 5th grade. She was writing a fantasy fiction story here. She's an excellent writer, which as you can guess, makes this momma very proud.

This guy eats, sleeps and goes to school. He's cheesy, funny and smart as ever. I have to beg him for photos these days...

This new season is all about my favorite FAMILY!

Happy Fall!


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