It's that time again...another birthday for my baby, the baby of our family, that is, Lorelei. For obvious reasons, each of her birthdays hits me harder than her siblings. She's the baby of the family! She can't be turning 9 tomorrow! That just seems so old. She even thinks so. She told me the other day, she'd rather be 7 or 8! Can you blame her? It's fun being a kid!
This girl...
She's is sweet, with a feisty, fiery side. She's strong and courageous. Her heart is big and she's full of love for her friends, family and baby dolls! She's a natural nurturer. She loves to read, play babies and hang out with her mommy! (She's my little shadow.)
She will forever be our baby, no matter how old she is!
Our sweet tiny baby...this might explain why she loves baby dolls so much!
One last precious picture of our 8 year old...
Happy birthday sweet Lorelei! We love you!
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