When summer starts to get a bit mundane, why not mix things up a bit by trying a few new things.
These two tried out the Home Depot free kids workshop. They definitely want to go to it again.
Lorelei is going to try out some overalls for school this year. She HATES certain kinds of clothes on her body. She has some sensory issues and finding clothes that she likes is really tricky. These overalls were on clearance at Walmart for $5.00! I won't be so mad if down the road she doesn't like the feel of them anymore.
I tried something different, I read a book from cover to cover in one night! I just picked this up off the new release shelf at the library. I've done yoga on and off for about 15 years, so I figured, why not. It was an amazing read. I highly recommend it, even if you only have the slightest interest in yoga. She has a great story woven into life tips, recipes and of course, yoga poses. I've started doing yoga again daily at home. Trying to create a new routine for myself. After only one week of daily yoga, I already feel more relaxed and a great sense of peace. Breathe...
Those of you who know me well, (Nicole!!), you know I'm not that great at keeping up with one of these...a planner. I know some of you out there couldn't live without it, but I have a history of buying one and using it for a month or two, then the rest of the year is blank!!! I bought a cheap one at Target (but pretty and practical!), knowing if I didn't use it as planned, I wasn't wasting a bunch of money. Similar to Lorelei and her overalls! ;) My August is filled already. I've got 3 of these going now...my dry erase calendar in the kitchen, an electronic calendar on my phone with an app called Jorte and this. Let's see if it lasts!
Jonas is trying something new in his room with his Legos. He's worked all summer on this project. He's done it mostly on his own, with a little help from Savannah. He sorted by color and type, like a few drawers of mini figure parts, weapons, wheels, etc. He's worked through it one mixed bucket at a time. I'm proud of his project and think he'll really love his new system. He's not completely done yet...he's going to label the drawers and has one or two more mixed containers to sort, but I was so proud of him coming up with the idea and tackling it on his own.
Speaking of proud...Check out these food photos Savannah took of dinner last night! I told her she should take all my pictures for my blog! Her photos are way better than mine. She has an amazing eye for perspective. These pictures were taken with the same camera as my other photos, an LG G4 phone. I decided early this summer to try something new and switched from my iPhone 5s back to an Android product. I chose the LG because of the camera! Obviously I made the right choice. I think Savannah should try her hand at photography. She's a natural.
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