We had a lovely and productive afternoon. I left school in time to pick up Bailey from middle school. I had plans to finish laundry and help the little ones get homework and Valentine's done. Lorelei was a champ! She buzzed right through her homework...about 6 pages of letter and number work. Then she hopped right into decorating her Valentine box and finished off by completing all of he Valentine's in one sitting!! I was piddling around the kitchen all the while.
Being that it was Fat Tuesday we celebrated by having pancakes...Pancake Tuesday, and the kids love breakfast for dinner. It was fun and filling. The kids ate well and were helpful in the kitchen, too. After dinner, they packed up their own lunches. On Wednesday, I have morning duty and prepping 5 lunches is hard to do and still make it out of the house on time. When we remember and stay organized, we make them the night before. It's the little things like that and laying out clothes the night before, that help keep me organized and less crazy in the mornings!
Savannah was also working on Valentine's tonight. She decided to make homemade ones for each of her friends. They are cute and thoughtful, with a nice handcrafted touch! I proud of her creativity!
Bath time came and went and now I must head off to read some stories and tuck in some kiddos.
I am looking forward to "feeling the love" on Thursday. I still haven't nailed down my creative plans of what I am doing for both John and the kids to make the day special. Valentine's Day is a family day around here...not a day of romance anymore and I like that! I'm thinking maybe strawberry muffins for breakfast and heart shaped homemade pizzas for dinner?! And there will definitely be some chocolate involved!
Brown craft paper and foam stickers! |
Free printable Valentine's from the web! |

Kitchen helper. |
Lunch boxes all in a row! |
Hand crafting for friends. |
Sweet cards for friends. |
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