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Creative paralysis....

...has been holding me captive this summer.  It's funny, the ideas are there (thanks to Pinterest and the MANY blogs I read!), but I just have been paralyzed to act on them!  I have wanted to do so many things, but so far...nada, nothing, zilch.  My list includes, but is not limited too...

~painting multiple rooms in the house, but especially the powder room, boys bathroom, Lorelei's and Jonas' rooms.
~sewing curtains for multiple rooms and pillow covers and a quilt and skirts for the girls and skirts for me and napkins for the kitchen and well, you get the picture.
~trying my hand at painting some furniture...using a chalk paint or something like it.
~making many of the projects I pin daily on Pinterest.  Darn you Pinterest.
 ~writing MULTIPLE blog posts (not 2) and starting my own book!

Now what I can say I have done this summer, has been spending time with my kids, mainly swimming and in the kitchen cooking or baking.  I've been sure to try to do a "field trip" a week, or something special outside the home.  It's hard for me sometimes to want to get out of the comfort of my little cocoon at home.  The good news is, my kids are definitely home bodies too.  The kids have also enjoyed many play dates and sleepovers.  I've loved having the extra kids around.  There's always a nerf battle, pillow fight or a marshmallow war with the PVC marshmallow launchers!  We've had dance offs with Just Dance 2 on the Wii, movies on Netflix and lots of popcorn!

I've also done some good organizing around the house.  This weekend I re-arrange both Bailey and Savannah's rooms.  They look great.  Yesterday I spent some time in the playroom re-doing the play kitchen area.  I've tried to do a little something each week...bathroom drawers, a cabinet here, the art center in the playroom a closet there.  There's a lot to still organize, but I have a good start.  I've also done a lot of cleaning.  The stuff you don't always get to.  I feel good about that.

I feel like I have really re-connected with John too.  And although we have not had a single date night, what we have had is plenty of late nights, talking and watching movies, just being together.  I feel bad for him, because so many nights we've stayed up way too late and he has still had to get up for work by 7:00, while I've slept in till 9:30 or 10:00!

Sleeping is something we have definitely done plenty of this summer!!  It's going to be brutal to adjust our schedule when school rolls around again.  Speaking of's starts a month from tomorrow...August 27 for the kids, I go back Aug. 20th.  This might just be the kick in the pants I need to get motivated on some of these projects!  So here's hoping to spending my last few weeks of summer vacation covered in paint and fabric!

Here are some photos moments of the summer.  Photography has not been put on hold this summer.  As a creative's my job to document our life, to be the family historian.  I love capturing our life's moments on film...

A great visit from my high school and college bestie Danielle!  We had a blast that weekend!

Making lunch special by having a sister's picnic in Savannah's room!

Sleepy Jonas!

Homemade pizza!

Swimming on the 4th of July!

Cosmic bowling!

Crafty Savannah!  She made this almost totally on her own!

More sleeping!  Dual napping here!

And a little more sleeping...

Ready for some professional photography!

McDonald's reward for surviving professional photography!

Portrait Innovations!  Summer 2012 Photo session!

Hanging out in the tree behind the library!
Food Truck fun!  John and his buddy!

Game night...girls!

Game night...boys!

Museum the Witte!

Lovely summer...
Hope you all are having a wonderful summer too!  Tell me about some of your favorite moments!


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