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Showing posts from June, 2020

Hello Weird Summer

Even if it is unlike any summer we've ever known before, it's still summer. The words "unprecedented", "uncertain" and "new normal" have been so over used. I think the word to best describe how I feel about it all is just... weird . It's a really weird time. By definition weird means "something supernatural or uncanny". Seems like a juvenile word to explain life right now, yet it's fitting.  Every event in the month of June just seemed a bit weird. Packing up my room at Carson and moving out was surreal. Thinking I didn't really get to finish off the school year or my career at Carson in person, left me feeling bittersweet. Although I am thrilled about my opportunity to open a new school, I can't help but wonder if my garage full of classroom items will actually move into my new school. Savannah started her summer with her new favorite beauty treatment, highlights! It's her birthday and graduation treat. I'm not s...