Solar eclipses, convocation, teacher work days, school supplies, Hurricane Harvey, first days, new school, gas shortages, Labor day, another hurricane...Yikes! It's truly been a whirl wind around here, (no pun intended with the hurricanes)! As I am sure you have heard it before...there's no tired, like a teacher tired, at the beginning of the new school year. The non-stop work, as both a teacher and a mom with 4 kiddos, that back to school time entails, is exhausting...emotionally and physically. Like with other September posts, I always remark that August goes by in such a blur, September hits you like a brick wall, making you wonder how you got here. It's been a true month of adjustments around here. Some of us have had a better start than others. Bailey and Savannah are off to another great start at O'Connor High School. Bailey's thrilled as a senior to only have half days, thanks to working so hard academically over the years. He's taking all but one...
Somedays I feel like I've done it all. To look at me, you might say "now that's an ordinary mom". Dig a little deeper and you'll find I've led a pretty interesting life, done some pretty extraordinary things, especially once I became a mother of four wonderful, extremely different children! Unique personalities and needs, all wonderful, trying and glorious at the same time!