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Showing posts from May, 2015

Merry is the month of May...

O, the month of May, the merry month of May, So frolic, so gay, and so green, so green, so green! by Thomas Dekker It has been a merry month and let's just say it...busy!  That over used word meaning: adj.    engaged or at work . Synonyms include: active, assiduous, swamped, engrossed, having a full plate, tied up.  It has been those words and more.  Definitely merry though, each crazy event this month has brought much merriment and joy to our family.  May always begins for us with two very special birthdays and Mother's day all in the same week. May 3rd is our sweet baby girl Lorelei's birthday.  She turned 8 this year.  We celebrated with her very first slumber party!!  Wow...that was fun and exhausting!  We had 14 girls sleep over.  Well, some of them slept.    Just three days later, we celebrated John's birthday!  His was a bit more low key.  His favorite dinner w...

A taste of things to come...

Summer is so close, I can almost taste it! know what I mean. :)  Lately, the weather and our activities have given us a sneak peek of the glorious summer months ahead... Fort making... Lounging and watching TV.... Pool time!!       Amazing blue skies... And blue lips...(the pool water is just a bit cold still!!)     This was Monday morning and Lorelei did NOT want to get up for I reminded her there were only 5 Monday's left before summer vacation.  We've had a few school happenings that were fun and certainly help make the last two months of school worth going to. Lorelei had fun this week prepping her shoebox float for the Fiesta float parade at school.  This is the last one for the Boyen Bunch. Jonas had an appearance on CTV today for getting 100 AR points!  I think just about every book he read to get him the 100 points was a Magic Treehous...