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Showing posts from April, 2015

Little Celebrations...yes!

 It's only 9:30 and both Jonas and Lorelei are up, watching "Saturday morning cartoons" (aka Nick Jr.), eating a healthy breakfast together, while I blog and enjoy my coffee... yes !  Is it just me or do you have a little mental party all the time when you accomplish the smallest of things?  I was just telling John, how I always celebrate accomplishing things throughout my day, giving myself a little mental yes fist pump (think 3rd graders getting an answer right on a test), when I get the little things done.  Am I alone here fellow friends!?!  You know like, homework done... yes ! Dinner's made... yes !  Replaced Bailey's broken viola bow (and the store did it with no argument for free)... yes !  Library books returned and no one lost one... yes!  Seriously!  Sometimes my days are just filled with these little celebrations, other days, I'm lucky to get in just one and that's OK too.  I'm not a great list maker or calendar keeper, so th...

Easter weekend in Pictures...

It was a great one...  I needed a little pick me up...nothing like a new haircut to brighten your attitude!  Perogies at Nana's on Good Friday.  Dyeing eggs on Saturday.  Wouldn't be spring in Texas without the bluebonnets! They are blooming late in our yard for some reason.  This was the first one I spotted.  Disney's Frozen on Ice with Lorelei. It was fun!  She loved it!  Baskets ready!  Ready for Easter!  The beautiful spread at Nana's. Yum!  Game on!  Easter egg hunting time!  Gotcha!  Twinsies!  Happy Easter from The Boyen Bunch!