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Showing posts from September, 2014

Catching my breath...

* This blog post was written on good old fashioned notebook paper and pen in the waiting room of the ambulatory surgical center. Catching my breath requires a surgery?!?!  Thankfully not mine and not serious either.  Seems like I've been down this path before.  Last year, life was so busy, busy, busy in the fall with school, kid's activities, home projects and keeping up with the day to day. The beginning of this school year has been no different.  I began feeling stressed this week (I don't stress easily) and I realized why...I haven't had anytime for me.  And let's be honest here, when I did have some time for me, I chose sleep over anything else!  I tell you, there is no tired like the back-to-school-I'm-a-mom-and-a-teacher-tired!  It's really my least favorite part of the school year.  I don't mind all the activities, being "mom's taxi", balancing work and home, and I do love my job.  What I really don't like is just how tired...