Summer 2014 with the Boyen Bunch Quote of the summer so far comes from Lorelei yesterday. She was in shock to hear Bailey say "God isn't real." Since 6th grade world history, my super analytical and highly intelligent son, began to question whether God existed. His questioning came from perfect can all of the other religions be wrong and only Christians are right? Being a parent who has decided to let my children discover religion for themselves, I haven't pushed the issue with him. Back to Lorelei, so Bailey again made some comment about God not being real. Lorelei suddenly seemed to have a very clear perspective of Bailey. "Mommy," she said, "Now I know why Bailey is always so grouchy! He doesn't believe in God! Well, I do!" And that was the end of that conversation! ;). I think she may be onto something, but it's something Bailey will have to figure out for himself. ~~~~~~~~~~ Our s...
Somedays I feel like I've done it all. To look at me, you might say "now that's an ordinary mom". Dig a little deeper and you'll find I've led a pretty interesting life, done some pretty extraordinary things, especially once I became a mother of four wonderful, extremely different children! Unique personalities and needs, all wonderful, trying and glorious at the same time!