It's been a restful Christmas break. Honestly, I've been pretty lazy, staying in my p.j's watching too many movies. I spent the first few days of break making the final preparations for Christmas. It was a simple Christmas, but I have to say, kind of a let down. I know, I know... how horrible of me to say. Maybe it's because the kids are getting bigger, (I do miss having a baby around), maybe it's too much commercialism and all the hype before hand. I often have a hard time managing my own expectations. I think I'm going to do all these wonderful things I find on Pinterest and the many blogs I follow, but then I never get around to it. My own fault, trying to live up to the "supermom" of Pinterest idea. The fact is, I am a working mom and I am tired! As much as I wanted to create the hand print Christmas tree on canvas of my kids...well, I just didn't get around to it. I did get some crafting or elfing ;) done with the kids for their ...
Somedays I feel like I've done it all. To look at me, you might say "now that's an ordinary mom". Dig a little deeper and you'll find I've led a pretty interesting life, done some pretty extraordinary things, especially once I became a mother of four wonderful, extremely different children! Unique personalities and needs, all wonderful, trying and glorious at the same time!