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Showing posts from August, 2012

These are a few of my favorite summer things...

girls in cute swimsuits with sunburns and rashes ... Well now, that just sounds terrible!!  No but really, one of my favorite parts of this summer by far, has been all of our days of fun in the sun !  We have a lovely neighborhood pool, that we have spent several afternoons at every week.  It is truly the one activity EVERYONE agrees on.  This summer another kiddo learned to swim!  Little miss Lorelei has become quite the fish.  Each child has a swimming specialty.  Bailey is an accomplished swimmer and can hold his breath for an amazing minute!  (Get me my inhaler!!)  Savannah is a little acrobat in the water.  Jonas can tread water longer than anyone I know.  Lorelei learned quickly how to do front and back flips under water!  All the kids are sun kissed, Coppertone babies (even with 50 sunblock!).  The girls hair is streaked with golden highlights, the boys a shade lighter brown.  They look as if they ...


Summer is winding down too quickly again! Even little Jonas notices how quickly time goes.  He said today, "Mommy, I can remember last summer so well and this summer is almost over!"  Smart boy.   August 1 is the  dreadful day, where as a teacher, you must admit that summer vacation is coming to an end.  I can say I am somewhat looking forward to the school year.  All 4 kiddos are finally school age- no daycare $$$ =RAISE for the mama!!  Hooray for that, but my baby Lorelei is starting kinder! :(  Savannah is in her last year of elementary, which is totally shocking because she just seems too young and little!!  Heck she's barely bigger than her 6 year old brother!!  Bailey is turning 13 this school year, in October and that just seems WRONG!  I can't possibly be old enough for a teenager!  And my sweet Jonas does not want to go on to 1st grade.  He loved Kinder so much he wants to stay.  It ...