The house is quiet, and I'm the only one up. The Macy's Thanksgiving Parade is playing in the background. The dinner rolls are rising and my coffee is already getting cold. It's windy and chilly here today. It is the perfect vibe for a Texas Thanksgiving. We have the privilege of hosting one of Jonas's college friends from Washington D.C., Sophia, since she couldn't make it home for the week. We are enjoying trying to Texasifiy her! This week has been restful in the only way that can be if you have a houseful of young energy like I do. They sleep in till past 10:00 a.m. and are up past midnight! They are constantly on the go and hungry. And I wouldn't want it any other way. I am not ready in any way to have an empty nest. I write in this space to reflect and show gratitude for my life (maybe not frequently enough). It's always been a little bit of therapy to review my month and all that has happened to be grateful for. Sometimes the day-to-day things, weig...
Somedays I feel like I've done it all. To look at me, you might say "now that's an ordinary mom". Dig a little deeper and you'll find I've led a pretty interesting life, done some pretty extraordinary things, especially once I became a mother of four wonderful, extremely different children! Unique personalities and needs, all wonderful, trying and glorious at the same time!