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Showing posts from August, 2021

Big Changes...the never-ending month of August!

It is sometimes a bit unreal to think about how a month begins and how the month ends. How could so many little and big things happen in such a short period of time? The beginning of August feels like a lifetime ago: enjoying summer, swimming, going to the beach, and just enjoying time as a family. The end of August is all about back to school and some big changes for this Boyen Bunch of mine. I think this was the last time I went to the pool. Lorelei was babysitting the Esquivel kiddos (who we love!) and decided to take them to the pool.  We found a night where we could all be off and go celebrate Savannah before she headed off to Austin. It was a perfect evening at The Rustic.  One of the big changes this month was what I will refer to as "The Big Switch." Since Bailey and Savannah have both moved out, for the most part, Jonas and Lorelei decided they wanted the bigger rooms. I'd love to tell you all the room switching is done, but we ran out of time and the upstairs is...