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Showing posts from July, 2017

Summer habits, the good and bad!

As I flossed my teeth this morning, I realized summer time can be a really good influence on our habits. I have plenty of time in my morning routine to take care of the things I should, like flossing! I've had time to exercise, do yoga and read before bed, without feeling like I have to hurry up and get to sleep. We bake, cook as a family, organize things around the house and do spontaneous outings for fun. The kids are all caught up on doctor's appointments, eyes, teeth, and the pediatrician, for well visits times four.  We've been able to make time for friends, family and plenty of time for the six of us to bond.  We don't have any plans for a vacation this year, but I do for see a roadtrip to check out colleges very soon. On the other hand, I tend to sometimes hold onto a lot of guilt, (recovering Catholic school girl here!) over the stupidest things, like too much relaxing, too much sleeping, too much t.v., too much tech time, too much fighting. I feel terrible ov...