Yesterday evening sucked. There are no other words for it. Monday morning Jonas woke up with a swollen face on one side, coincidentally the side with a cracked tooth. It'd been hurting him on and off for a few weeks. The dentist saw him for a cleaning and a check up, barely making mention of the cracked tooth. Now this... Luckily he has an appointment with the oral surgeon at 3:30 for a whole other issue. Maybe we can work out a package deal! The dentist called in clindamycin, a very strong and nasty tasting antibiotic. He could barely get down one dose and then threw up his second dose. Throw into the mix my newly turned 16 year old Bailey, had Region Orchestra tryouts at O'Connor till 9:00 p.m.!! The good news, he got first chair! The bad news, he has a huge Lord of the Flies 3-D map project due today. He did not finish and will have to accept a deduction on his grade. ...
Somedays I feel like I've done it all. To look at me, you might say "now that's an ordinary mom". Dig a little deeper and you'll find I've led a pretty interesting life, done some pretty extraordinary things, especially once I became a mother of four wonderful, extremely different children! Unique personalities and needs, all wonderful, trying and glorious at the same time!