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Showing posts from April, 2013

Catching up...Part Two, Spring with the Boyen Bunch.

The month of March and April were packed full of activities!  We were happy to finally see some warmer temperatures, sun, green grass and blooming flowers!  Around here there was... ~Warm...OK hot afternoons! ~A field trip with Jonas to Enchanted Springs Ranch. Woodrow, the Longhorn Cowboy Jonas!  ~UIL competitions for Bailey. Handsome fellow in his tux!  ~A weekend trip to the zoo with friends. AJ came along to keep Bailey company. All the kiddos. Amber Brown and the girls, Avery and Parker invited us! Jonas loves animals! Train ride after the zoo. Hot and happy! A bunny hopped the train!  ~There were Easter preparations! Dying eggs! Baskets!  ~EASTER!!   Easter morning.   Jonas is happy!     My little bunch in their Easter best.   Cutie.   Bring on the food!     Ready to hunt eggs!   Any up there? ...

Catching up...Part One, Spring Break Family Road trip.

I started this post on March 25...If I had finished it would have been over 3weeks since my previous post.  Writing/blogging have been on my mind weekly, sometimes daily.  But, I've pushed it to the side.  Unlike many wonderful blogs out there, mine is not income earning, nor my "career", it's just for fun...a little hobby.  I'm a working mom...a teacher.  And since my last post, I've been knee deep in test prep at school.  We just finished those tests (STAAR) last week.  Thankfully, we had Friday off for Battle of the Flowers, a part of San Antonio tradition, Fiesta.  It was a welcomed break as is tomorrow.  I have another day off thanks to my student teacher. She gets to experience the whole day by herself and I get a free day off!  I might even let the kids play hooky with me.  We'll see. I do have lots of things to share and pictures too, of course!  We'll start with our first family road trip for Spring Break....