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May all your weeds be wildflowers! (author unknown)

I have been in the weeds all spring. Yet, while in these weeds, I've been hoping that they are mostly wildflowers. I have been a bit Pollyannish most of my life and although I still look for the good for the most part, every day, I still feel like I've been in the weeds for a few weeks. Some days I'm as perky as a wildflower, others I'm wilting waiting on a Spring rain. Okay...enough of the cheesy spring analogies! Bottom it too soon to be counting down till summer?! 

Spring break feels like it was ages ago. We laid low here at home. Luckily Savannah's UT spring break was the same week. 

We started our break cleaning out closets. The kids had a great time sorting through memories and reading old journals. 

We shopped, worked out, went to the library and the park, ate a lot, at home and out, and generally just enjoyed our time together. 

Savannah and her college bestie Emily shopped for their new apartment they are getting in July. They are thrilled to have just each other as roommates. They are happy they met this year in their current living situation (5 bedrooms, three other roommates), but are looking forward to their new 2 bedroom.

We hit the library! We have barely been there since pre-Covid. Maybe one other time. It was great to have a leisurely visit. 

Park time...
Gong Cha tea to follow.

Middle children lunch at Sapporo! 

Lorelei helped Bailey pick out and adopt a new pet...his own cat named Rose. It's a boy!

St. Patrick's day traditional corn beef and cabbage. 

Signs of Spring...

Dianne our puppy turned 1! 

One of our last days with Savannah before she headed back. 

We got back into the gym routine. Lorelei has started to try to regain her strength from before surgery. She has only been approved for light exercise. Hopefully, she will be cleared 100% next month. She is ready to spend her summer diving! We usually go around 7:30-8:00 at night as a family. We are going about 3 times a week and I am feeling stronger than ever. All four of us don't always go together, but it's been great family time. We pair off from time to time, but Jonas has gone EVERY time! He's really making progress!

One Saturday all six of us went. We met up at OP Schnabel after dentist appointments. Don't you love the annoyed look at their mom for snapping a picture at the dentist!

We had an impromptu snack lunch, a hike, and then we hit the gym together. It was by far one of my favorite days this Spring. 

We enjoyed helping my sister move into her new house. It's super cute and perfect for her. She's done a really great job decorating it. It's so cozy and colorful. 

School activities have been abundant this Spring too.

Field day... 

April Fool's day with kids...

Fiesta party...

Savannah went to UT's big Spring event. 

Jonas was inducted into the Spanish Honor Society. 

John started a new job at USAA (working from home). He's been nervous and excited. He had a wonderful start and is doing well with training. He's working out of Lorelei's old bedroom. This summer we will convert it to a proper home office for him. 

We have had some fun this Spring too. Last weekend was amazing in so many ways. Lorelei and I took a quick trip to Austin to see Savannah and go to a concert.  We packed a lot of fun into just an overnight visit. 

We saw Hippo Campus at Stubb's. It was a great concert! I was jamming out a bit more than the girls wanted to see from their mom! 

We headed home Sunday morning to head back to San Antonio for Easter at my mom's and dad's house. 

But this week...well, it was a really hard week. I didn't sleep well all week, my students were definitely difficult and not on their best behavior, Dianne the dog was sick (again) with tummy troubles and kept me up all night, and  have just felt like my head is swimming with all the many stressful things to come in May. I don't call it Mayhem for nothing! This Pollyanna just needs to dig deep into these weeds and realize there are always flowers to be found. 

Happy Spring friends...


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