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No more excuses...standing taller and catching up.

November started and ended with most of our focus being on this sweet, feisty, and courageous girl of ours. I was finding it difficult to write about it because we just weren't entirely on the other side of it yet. 

I wrote those two sentences WEEKS ago. I've been avoiding writing. I'm still not sure I'm in the head space to write, but I'm slowly running out of time here in 2021. And since I'm the writer, editor and publisher of my own writing, I have to set my deadlines sometimes and stick to them. I failed to meet my November deadline and am almost on the way to missing December's! My list of excuses is a mile long...I was playing nurse, mom and helping Lorelei with her recovery. When she was on the mend, I headed back to work and spent my time playing teacher and catching up in the classroom. Winter break began and I had to get ready for Christmas. It's the lazy day after Christmas, meaning I have run out of excuses. 

I am still planning to write two posts (December's post will follow)'s going to be a ginormous photo dump either way, but it is what it is. (I hate that saying!) I wonder frequently if anyone besides myself even reads what I write. I frequently remind myself, I am my audience...more than anyone else. Years from now, I want to look back a read and remember the details of each month, each ordinary and extraordinary day that may have happened. It's bonus to know someone out there might just read what I write and be moved, inspired or even annoyed by my words. 

Lorelei is my new hero. She is almost on the other side of this battle with scoliosis, although it will forever be part of her life. Her six week follow-up is this Thursday. There's no denying she was terrified, anxious and uncertain of what would happened before, during and after the surgery. Every part of it went better than any of us had imagined. 

Pre-op day...November 1.

Breakfast in the great cafe at The Children's Hospital. 

Part of her prep included squeezing in as much fun and family as we could before her surgery on November 17th.

Jonas turned 16! 

With a birthday on a Tuesday, we kept it simple. Dinner at Lin's, his choice! Plus it was free for the birthday boy. 

She had one last home dive meet we all attended on Saturday November 6th. She won 2nd place again. 

After we headed to the Hondo Corn Maze. We were celebrating Jonas' birthday, fall fun and friendship. 

She may be small but mighty! 

We spent time organizing, cleaning and preparing in a variety of ways. We prepped at home and I prepped at school. 

Finally, November 17th arrived with a bright and early arrival time to the hospital. 

You can see the worry and tears in her eyes...

And the wait began...

After nearly a full day in surgery, we were finally updated and allowed to see her. She went back at 8:00 a.m. and we finally saw her just about 4:30 p.m. They were having trouble waking her up.  

She was quickly moved to a room. She was in and out of sleep and doing well with pain thanks to meds/pain blockers that were injected right at the end of surgery.  

We received so many wonderful warm thoughts and prayers from friends and family! I spent a lot of time updating people on my phone. 

She did a lot of sleeping...



Day 1 after surgery wasn't so fact they said she was a model patient! She sat up, moved around and even walked the halls. 

She grew!! Three inches in total from being straightened. 

My view in the room most of the days and nights.

Did I mention how much she slept!?! A LOT!

She wanted to lay flat, and I mean no pillow, perfectly flat most of the time. She would curse at us if we made her sit up!

I will always have fond memories of our time here. It was a great experience, with a wonderful staff of nurses, PT and doctors. We couldn't be happier with her surgery and care. 

After three days, a sweet nurse convinced her she would heal better at home, so on Saturday evening around 8:00 p.m. Jonas and John headed to the hospital to take us both home. 

She is ready...

Sitting in the wheelchair was more difficult than she thought.  Gertrude her pillow Giraffe was a trusty, comfy pal through the entire process. 

Home in her own bed...

Our days at home were filled with a lot of couch time and Gilmore Girls. She had visitors, flowers, and plenty of puppy cuddles. 

She was so happy when Savannah came home for break! 

Thanksgiving came and she was feeling well enough for a quick trip to Nana and Papa's house. 

She was a good sport and was willing to take a few pictures even though she still preferred laying down more than anything! 

I took the week after Thanksgiving break off to help with Lorelei's recovery at home. I have to admit, I did a whole lot of watching her sleep! I now know that the human body needs a lot of sleep to recover from major surgery. 

She had her first follow-up appointment and Dr. Koeck thought she was doing great.  She was frustrated with the amount of pain she was still in, her inability to sit for long and her need for so much sleep. But he promised she was doing phenomenally. 

At her appointment she measured 5'1"...three inches taller than before surgery. He was able to straighten her more than even he thought he could.

Standing taller is an understatement. Our hearts are so blessed and happy for her. She is far from a complete recovery yet, but each day she is stronger and straighter! Her future is full of possibilities. 

Thank you to anyone and everyone who sent her love and prayers. 


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