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Extraordinary days of December

Today's it...the last day of 2021. We had so many milestones we hit this year. Both Bailey and Savannah moved out, Jonas got a job and turned 16, Lorelei started high school and had surgery, John and I celebrated 25 years of marriage. There were big moments and small ones, extraordinary and ordinary. We spent more time outdoors, more time reading, more time with friends, more time with family, and more time relaxing. I'd say we did a better job living life to its fullest. I'm looking forward to continuing on this same path. I have a Perpetual Flip Calendar from Esther and Jerry Hicks, that I have been using for over 10 years now. Today's page is perfect and sums up exactly how I want to live life.  

December is always a favorite and festive month. Such a wonderful way to wrap up a year right? It's as if someone made the perfect master plan of the year. The house is so warm and cozy with holiday decorations. 

I'm never in a hurry to put away the holiday decorations. I happily wait till after the 12 days of Christmas. Heck, I may even wait till MLK day.

We had many ordinary school days, doctor's appointments, outings, and work. 

Early mornings at work.

Savannah loves being back at Bucks, even for just December. 

The girls came to school on the last day before break. The kids loved it!

Food truck park date for Jonas and Sophia. 

Dinner date at Pei Wei with my sister and the girls after finally starting Christmas shopping. 

Sleepy at the sleep specialists. 

Coffee date after her appointment. 

Time for me, journaling...I love keeping track of my books in a Reading journal. 

Off to see Christmas lights.

Christmas Eve...last-minute wrapping and prep with the girls. 

That was exhausting! 

Like always, we had Christmas Eve at my parent's and Christmas Day at our house. 

Santa didn't let us down this year at all!

Christmas morning has a whole chill vibe now with teens. I love it. We had Christmas morning upstairs in the playroom. It was really nice. 

Mittens appreciates the tree being upstairs. 

We immediately played the new family edition of Cards Against Humanity. 

Lorelei still needs recovery time/naps after any kind of activity, even just opening gifts. 

Round two with family. 

Our anniversary was a big one this year...25 years!

We were so young!

But we are still looking pretty good, 25 years later.

And look at this beautiful greatest accomplishment by far. I adore my Boyen Bunch!

We celebrated as a family with a trip to Gruene and the Gristmill for dinner. 

Tonight we will stay home for New Year's Eve...probably playing games, starting a new puzzle, watching a movie, and homemade pizza. 

There's one thing I know for sure...

Happy New Year...wishing you a fabulous next chapter!


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