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Mayhem 2021

Another May has come and gone, and I'd love to say it wasn't as exhausting as other "Mayhems", but that's not the case. I'm TIRED! We didn't pack in quite as much as we have in years passed, but some May events will always be around, like Boyen birthdays.

I don't have profound words or meaningful advice. It was a challenging month, although filled with many wonderful memories. This year STAAR was pushed to May, since it will not be used as a promotion standard in 5th grade. That somehow was enough to change up the whole vibe of May at school. Normally I'm just planning the end of the year party and Promotion ceremony. Scrambling with my own Boyen Bunch to wrap the semester and grades has been its own challenge and we are all more than ready for summer. 

As usual, we start May with Lorelei's 14th birthday! We celebrated on her actual day, which fell on a Monday, which did not make her as happy as expected. 

She got up with me before school for her birthday cinnamon rolls. 

We had everyone over for dinner...Greek food,  her favorite!

We ended the night with Froyo!

John's birthday was the same week. We had a night at the pool for his big day!

Who needs cake when you can have S'mores!

Since Lorelei's birthday was on Monday, we had a great Mommy and me day on the Saturday after her birthday...brunch, shopping, and nails! 

Mother's day was the very next day. They spoiled me with lots of treats and a trip to the pool again. 

Our weather has been a bit off since that big snowstorm in February. We've had lots of May showers, instead of April, but the flowers came just the same. Wildflowers, cactus flowers, and lots of green everywhere.

And we are ending the month with a new family member...Dianne the Dog! Bailey found a litter of pups needing homes at a house he delivered pizza to. We weren't 100% on getting one, but when he told us this cutie was named Dianne, we couldn't pass her up! Who else could possibly find a dog named after their mom/Nana!

Delilah wasn't sure at first, but they have become fast friends. 

We had a fun family get-together tonight to celebrate Memorial Day. It was a great way to wrap up May!

This Boyen Bunch is more than ready for summer! 


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