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Extraordinary November...grateful and blessed.

I'm not entirely sure what happened to the month of November. I swear I was just sitting at this computer rambling on about religion and faith...totally turning off my reader's (only 50 page views on that post!) Obviously, either you all don't want to hear me go on about when things get tough, I manifest, pray or whatever else I went on about. Or nobody reads my blog post when released on a Monday night! That being said, I could not let the month of November 2018 pass without a single post. 

I'm keeping it simple...Here's the recap of November!

Bailey celebrated his first birthday at school. He turned 19! We sent him a birthday care package. Turns out, he came home that weekend for Halloween anyway. But he still loved his was birthday cake themed. Everything in it was birthday cake flavored! Pinterest is loaded with ways to decorate the box on the inside too!.

Bailey's Halloween costume...A college student! Lorelei made her costume herself! She's never fails to impress me.

The teenage girls were "Friends", Phoebe, Rachel and Monica. Brieley was a Zombie cheerleader. We hit the Halloween hayride, as usual, in my sister's neighborhood.

Jonas turned 13! Yes, you heard correctly, another teenage in the Boyen Bunch. We had a real medical scare with him. He went to the pediatrician on his birthday. He had a large lump under his arm. For several days, we were actually thinking it was a cancerous bone growth called an osteosarcoma. After three doctors, we happily discovered it was actually a benign bone growth called an osteochondroma. It's a boney tumor that grows on a growth plate, while the child grows. His will continue to grow with him. Unfortunately, due to it's location, it's inoperable. It's tied into the ulna nerves and a main artery. We were so grateful and relieved. He was really great about the whole thing. Did his own research, ready to face whatever was coming his way. He's quite a guy!

Savannah was inducted into National Honor Society this month. She's such a hard worker...straight A's, volunteer work, regular job at Bahama Buck's and active in our family daily. Truly a parent's dream. Other than her moodiness. Come on, she IS a teenage girl!

The week of break was low key, other than doctor's appointments. I love watching the four of them do weird and random things, like shooting the pumpkin from Halloween with Lorelei's BB gun! Jonas had never shot a gun of any kind before.

And then there was Thanksgiving. I'm a true believer in daily gratitude, so honestly, Thanksgiving for me, is all about food and family! My mom outdid herself again. The kids and I all helped out in some way.

The girls set the table.

She really does love and miss her big brother.

We had a great time playing cards after dinner. We played Uno, a family favorite, but then tried our hand at Bullshit! What a fun card game! I think it will be a new family favorite. My mom knew EVERY TIME is was lying!

These kids...I'm not gonna lie, they are pretty awesome right now. I'm really enjoying my teenagers and my little tween. It's such a fun stage.

With joy and a grateful heart...for my Boyen Bunch! We are ready to take on the holiday season!


  1. Your November was packed! I’m so glad everything worked out with the medical issues. Scary!! You have such a beautiful family!


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